Now I can have a librarian of my very own! Edit: I need her book: Book Lust: Recommended Reading for Every Mood, Moment and Reason by Nancy Pearl. Just for the name.
The Geek Who Understands You
Now I can have a librarian of my very own! Edit: I need her book: Book Lust: Recommended Reading for Every Mood, Moment and Reason by Nancy Pearl. Just for the name.
So apparently a book about homecaring (thank you !) for the rest of us might be useful. What would you want to see in such a book? What would make you buy it? What kinds of questions/concerns do you have…
Jesus switches. (requires QuickTime) Current Mood: 😉giggly
Oh my—I just got a PERSONALIZED version of the Nigerian scam spam! Only this one purports to be from a lawyer notifying me that I am the next of kin to a P.B. Armistead who worked for Shell in Togo.…
While I admire the truth-in-advertising angle of having a mostly-illegible sign advertising your graphic design services, might I recommend another line of work that does not involve typeface selection?
I’m reading Sink Reflections, the book by Marla Cilley (aka FlyLady). A friend loaned me her copy. There’s some interesting stuff in there, but for me, getting to it requires pushing past the anti-feminist slant and Christian stuff. I’m annoyed…
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