UUPoly Mention

AP article:
Practitioners of ‘polyamory’ look for support at Unitarian convention

I’m not sure why they put polyamory into quotes. It’s a perfectly reasonable word. It’s unfamiliarity to some people doesn’t invalidate it. If that were the case, most scientific and many medical terms would have to go into quotes.

As if I needed any further reason to dislike the FRC, they had to get their little swipe in:
“I think polyamory is a fancy way of saying ‘sleeping around.’ For this denomination to even discuss it is an attack on the family. And this type of lifestyle would certainly put children in jeopardy,” said Kristin Hansen, a spokeswoman for the conservative Family Research Council in Washington.

Of course, there’s not any explanation of how the fact that some of us love more than one person is an attack on “the family” as an institution. Or how we’re putting kids in jeopardy—ohmigod, they might have more loving adults in their lives! There isn’t anything on the FRC’s website about it, either. I’m tempted to write to them, but I’m sure I wouldn’t get a straight answer anyway.

Cyn is Rick's wife, Katie's Mom, and Esther & Oliver's Mémé. She's also a professional geek, avid reader, fledgling coder, enthusiastic gamer (TTRPGs), occasional singer, and devoted stitcher.
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