This reminiscence about losing friends due to religion is brought to you courtesy of procrastination and an entry danuv posted. Current Mood: 🤔nostalgic
The Geek Who Understands You
This reminiscence about losing friends due to religion is brought to you courtesy of procrastination and an entry danuv posted. Current Mood: 🤔nostalgic
First significant TCOM assignment: Technical Memo Report Length: 2-3 pages (double-spaced) You are to write a memo report on a problem of your own choosing. That problem should have “real world” relevance; it should pertain to a work, school, or…
curiousmay9—didn’t you say something about an uncle who meditates a lot? I thought of you when I read this.
So we’re doing a “staged move” as a dear friend calls it. We need help with packing. We haven’t gotten nearly enough done due to the confluence of school weirdness, illness, and transportation problems. Anybody who can help move whatever…
The Geek Test says that I’m “47.33728% – Super Geek” I have to disagree with some of its questions, but they do address a lot of the geek stereotypes. I still haven’t managed to reach my rheumatologist. They weren’t open…
sambear needs loving not-sick thoughts. He has food poisoning. He dragged himself out of bed long enough to call UHaul to check on our reservation, and it’s a good thing he did—they thought we were coming to get a truck…
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