
Swiped from branwynelf:

First of all, your name: Cynthia

Your nickname: Cyn or TechnoMom

What’s your sign: Scorpio with Taurus rising

Male or female: Female

When is your birthday: November 12, 1966

Where do you live: In the suburbs of Atlanta, Georgia, US

Where were you born: Gadsden, Alabama, US

Colleges or schools you attended: Agnes Scott College (one quarter), Mercer University in Atlanta (two quarters, I think), Dekalb College—now called Perimeter College (three quarters, maybe?). All except Agnes Scott were technically part-time as I could fit them around working. I have the equivalent of about two full-time years of credits.

Jobs you’ve had: Currently, I’m a Mommy/Homemaker and I occasionally fix computers or create/maintain websites for people and organizations. Mostly as a volunteer, though. In the past, going back to when I was about 10: Software QA analyst, technical writer, network administrator, tech support, call center supervisor, data miner, customer service manager, MIS manager, office manager, health insurance administrator (I ran a self-insured plan for a foreign missions board), medical transcriptionist, gas company dispatcher, phone operator (long-distance and doing credit card authorizations), appointment setter for a dating company, bank teller/CSR, retail sales clerk, crafts instructor, mother’s helper, jill-of-all-trades in the service office of an HVAC company, babysitter. I’m certain I’ve forgotten something.

Favorite state: I haven’t lived in enough to have a “favorite.”

Favorite cities: I’m pretty fond of Atlanta, but I’m not really well-traveled. I’d like to go back to Charleston, though.

Favorite colors: Greens, blues, some rose and purple tones.

Boyfriend/girlfriend: One male life partner at the moment

How many phones do you have: In the household? Two cell phones that work. I think we still have our old prepaid ones but haven’t used them in a long time. Six landline phones around the house.

How many phone lines do you have: One landline, two cell phones (mine and sambear‘s. Cable modem makes another landline unnecessary for the most part.

How many TVs do you have: Three hooked up, but they’re seldom turned on. There are two more in a closet somewhere. And somewhere in a box there’s a video card with TV input.

Best fragrance guy/girl wears: Clean. That’s it.

What song is on now: No song on now. Katie is watching one of the Standard Deviants French videotapes.

Last CD you listened to: I think it was one of the Emerald Rose CDs, but it could have been one of the Mediaeval Baebes CDs instead. They’re both in the changer.

Last TV show you watched: Hmm. Maybe the last episode of Witchblade a few weeks back?

Last thing you ate: Chinese leftovers yesterday afternoon. I haven’t gotten around to eating since then.

Most recent purchase: I think it was something at the grocery store a week or so ago. For the cats. I just can’t remember what it was.

Last movie you watched: A Midsummer Night’s Dream

Book you are reading: Into the Green by Charles deLint and The Survivor’s Guide to Sex: How to Have an Empowered Sex Life After Child Sexual Abuse by Staci Haines.

Are you talking to anyone: Not at the moment. Just me, Katie, the cats, and the dog here at home, and she’s pretty intent on the French tape.

Who all is online: How would I know? Oh—you’re assuming I have a chat program open? I don’t, usually. I seldom remember to open one.

Have you ever been kissed: Yes.

Any religious affiliation: I’m an eclectic pagan and a Unitarian Universalist.

Favorite kind of drink: I usually drink ice water. I have one mug of Suisse Mocha every morning. Alcoholic? Long Island Iced Tea, but I haven’t had it in years. I’ve had Mike’s Hard Lemonade more often lately (but still not often—maybe one every few weeks).

What size shoes do you wear: 9? 9 1/2? I’m not sure. Can’t remember when I last bought shoes for me.

What’s your favorite kind of shoe: None. If I have to wear shoes, I usually slip on my disreputable, comfy sandals. I don’t like having my feet confined. But I love boots for some reason. I just don’t have any nice ones anymore.

Do you like thongs: Nope.

A part of you that frequently aches: Everywhere. I have fibromyalgia and arthritis.

Who was the last person to call you: sambear

Where do you go for good fast food: I don’t like fast food very much. I’ll usually pick Arby’s if I have to eat the stuff, though.

Are you ticklish? if so where: Yes. Everywhere.

Favorite computer game: I don’t like computer games much. sambear says I play FreeCell like other people sharpen knives. And I’ll occasionally fire up Mahjongg if I have time to kill. But I’m more likely to sit down and stitch something.

Things nearest to you: Moonstone (one of the kittens). Empty coffee mug. A new stack of CD blanks. Computer speakers that I need to hook up to this PC. Polar bear Beanie Baby used to distract Jackson on Saturday.

Elements in your most recent recollected dream: A big new house we designed ourselves. A whole bunch of other people were living with us, including rasilio and _starrgirl_ with all three kids (Jackson and the soon-to-be-born twins) but it didn’t feel crowded, so it must have been an enormous place. There was a discussion happening about who was staying home with the kids and who was working. And my old friend Bryan was obsessing over getting exactly the right time for the light in his studio to be perfect for a particular painting.

Current Mood: 🙂content
Current Music: Standard Deviants French I
Cyn is Rick's wife, Katie's Mom, and Esther & Oliver's Mémé. She's also a professional geek, avid reader, fledgling coder, enthusiastic gamer (TTRPGs), occasional singer, and devoted stitcher.
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