The NaBloPoMo prompt for today: What is the first thing you see when you walk in your house? Right now, the first thing anybody sees is Sam’s desk. No, that isn’t precisely right. If you’re looking straight ahead at the…
The Geek Who Understands You
The NaBloPoMo prompt for today: What is the first thing you see when you walk in your house? Right now, the first thing anybody sees is Sam’s desk. No, that isn’t precisely right. If you’re looking straight ahead at the…
The NaBloPoMo prompt for today: How do you feel when you return home at the end of the day? I’m not sure I should have answered this one, as I doubt that my answer will be in sync with the…
Originally published at Enemy of Entropy. Please leave any comments there. I’m viewing this entry on my ginormous 22″ monitor. My hero acquired it via freecycle, toted it from the previous owner’s house to our car and into our house…
Originally published at Enemy of Entropy. Please leave any comments there. Not from the grave, oh no, not yet! It’s been too long to do a real “this is all that has happened in my life.” Writing it would exhaust…
Originally published at Enemy of Entropy. You can comment here or there. I’ve been uploading some of the photographs I have scattered all over my hard drive, most of them of Katie. Somehow, I outdid my Flickr upload limit for…
Originally published at Enemy of Entropy. You can comment here or there. Wait – did I mention it? No, because I was trying not to whine. We’ve had contractors here for weeks and weeks, repairing the bathroom that was sliding…
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