14:41 @jtimothyking Whoops! # 14:44 @mktackabery Didn’t know you had family in Atlanta # 14:45 @flyswatter Hope the heat is fixed soon. # Follow Cyn at Twitter Automatically shipped by LoudTwitter
The Geek Who Understands You
14:41 @jtimothyking Whoops! # 14:44 @mktackabery Didn’t know you had family in Atlanta # 14:45 @flyswatter Hope the heat is fixed soon. # Follow Cyn at Twitter Automatically shipped by LoudTwitter
I managed to avoid the crime news, which is always horrific. Okay, I mostly avoided it. The three boys under 10 who are being charged with kidnapping and rape is getting to me. That poor little girl! Transgender candidate misled…
I can’t remember the last time I even considered seeking news anywhere but online. Whether it’s what’s going on around Atlanta, the nation, or the world, or just a weather update, I look there first if at all possible. Since…
Disparate thoughts from a very low energy day. In fact, it was so low-energy that I thought I posted this entry last night, and never did. I has a fever. Do Not Want. Blah. Can’t brain. Short attention span means…
From the Carroll County Times of Westminster, Maryland: According to The Sacramento Bee, a family in El Dorado, Calif., is in trouble after spending a family outing making pipe bombs and then testing them.… According to the Bee, Justin Lee…
From Planned Parenthood of Georgia: Free EC! December 6, 2006! We’re celebrating increased access to emergency contraception (EC)! EC can safely and effectively prevent pregnancy if started within five days of unprotected sex. Everyone, regardless of age, can get EC…
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