My Wicca name is Yuur (Arrogant) Arian (Lovely) Purae omallia (Pure madness). Take The Wicca Name Generator today! Created with Rum and Monkey‘s Name Generator Generator. I tried my maiden name and the second and third were exactly the same,…
The Geek Who Understands You
My Wicca name is Yuur (Arrogant) Arian (Lovely) Purae omallia (Pure madness). Take The Wicca Name Generator today! Created with Rum and Monkey‘s Name Generator Generator. I tried my maiden name and the second and third were exactly the same,…
All flattering. Why don’t any of these things ever say, “Wow, you’re a real jerk. Maybe you should change your name to ____?” Cynthia The moon: Greek You have enormous vitality and originality making you a dynamic individual with great…
Your Ultimate Purity Test 2.0 Score Is… Your Score: Average For All Users Average For All Bisexual Liberal Pink-Skinned 35 to 41-Year old Females(3 total) Dating 15.38% 25.96% 20.51% Gone steady Self-Lovin’ 57.58% 53.2% 48.49% Master of your domain Shamelessness…
I took this test a few weeks ago, and was certain that it was not being scored correctly. And I was right! Current Mood: geeky
Tell me three things I ought to do before I die. Then, if you care to, post this in your LJ and ask your friends to do the same. (Swiped from misia)
Swiped from sraun
Taken from starwolf. My answers aren’t nearly as poetic as hers. silenceleigh wrote a post about the interview she gives to new characters she’s thought of. It’s more interesting than most of the interview memes, so I’m going to use…
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