Now that the whole crossposting thing is working, I plan to continue reducing my presence on Facebook. I often post things there in order to remember them, but then I can’t find them later when I want them. So it makes much more sense, of course, to post them here. There’s also the fact that Meta can’t make money off me if I’m not over there.
So – we went to Mom’s place today to visit and fix things. Rick wasn’t able to get her living room television to power on. It has always had an annoying tendency to intermittently refuse to power on. At least TVs are cheaper now than when this huge thing was purchased. If she replaces it quickly, she might get ahead of the tariffs.
I worked on her computer while Rick was occupied with that. She has a tendency to get overwhelmed with 2FA prompts and the like, so I try to keep the accounts she uses happy. I am still working through the list of Daddy’s accounts, trying to get them all switched over to use her phone instead of his or just getting them closed.
I enjoyed visiting with her. Losing Daddy so suddenly reinforced thoughts I had been having for awhile. I’m very fortunate to still have one parent, and I won’t take her presence for granted.
Totally random link: An entire book was written in DNA. You can buy it for $60