I’m in love with this little puppy, thanks to Precious Jen. But what kind of dog is it? Anybody know?
The Geek Who Understands You
I’m in love with this little puppy, thanks to Precious Jen. But what kind of dog is it? Anybody know?
I hope you have a great day! Y’all go wish James (wordcandlemage on LJ) a happy birthday, please?
Before caffeine, even. I had a nekkid GeekHero! Thanks, sweetie 🙂 Now to see if I can focus long enough to get this new template working throughout the site.
I went to bed, leaving the computer on because I was in the middle of something. I got up to find everything displayed washed in red. Meep. I haven’t had a display problem like this since 1992 or so when…
From the latest Dads & Daughters newsletter: Our friend Dr. Mark Tappan is co-authoring a book, to be called “Packaging Boyhood” about marketing to our sons. The book aims to “scrutinize the world of boy power, and the ways media…
I was a naughty girl today, too caught up in reading A Few Demons More to do my homework. Bad girl. To be fair, I was also taking care of my Katie baby, who had a fever and was nearly…
Last night I realized that something was wrong with this blog. Several days of posts hadn’t appeared, and I couldn’t even leave a comment on an old post. The error message I was getting (database access denied) made no sense.…
Please note: Yes, I am referring to today, the 12th, which is my birthday. Those close to me know that I generally hate my birthday, as it’s a reminder of multiple miscarriages and other nasty things happening around this time…
Yes yes yes, I do! Sam bought it as part of my birthday present. Squee! Thank you, love! I can’t start reading it yet, because if I do, I won’t stop. I have to be a good girl and do…
Cool under pressure. If they posted employment ads for hitmen, that’d be the number two requirement, right after detail-oriented. A good hitman must possess the perfect blend of personality type A and B traits, a control freak who obsesses over…
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