Why Register? And Where Are the Articles?

Well, the articles—all the articles that made up the bulk of my old site—are coming back. I just need to update them.

One thing I always regretted was that there wasn’t an easier way for people to comment on those articles, to discuss or critique them.

Well, that’s why you should register. I don’t have to approve your registration—in fact, I’m not involved at all. I just get an email saying you registered. It’s strictly an antispam measure that you’re required to do that and that I or Sam approves your first comment. That’s it. It isn’t like the LiveJournal “friends” thing, so I don’t have to know you or anything like that.

Register and tell me what you think—about anything. A post, a particular article, the layout of the site, what I’ve written about in the past, what you’d like to see me write about, whatever. Interaction is the entire reason for going to this format!

Edited 5/26: I’ve changed settings so that you can comment without registering, but you can register if you like.

Cyn is Rick's wife, Katie's Mom, and Esther & Oliver's Mémé. She's also a professional geek, avid reader, fledgling coder, enthusiastic gamer (TTRPGs), occasional singer, and devoted stitcher.
Posts created 4265

3 thoughts on “Why Register? And Where Are the Articles?

  1. Hi, Cyn. Your hrefs on LJ are not working. Who is hosting your domain? I made a test wordpress login. I also have TypePad. Just trying to see which is the best. TP is not freware.


  2. I had a markup error in my last entry – is that what you’re talking about?

    I’m using 1and1.com. We’re quite happy with them so far.

    I looked at TP among others, but wanted to go open source. I got a bit drunk on themes, but choose a rather simple one after all my explorations.

  3. I’ve used 1and1 for several years now – their interface has improved a lot, so I have no complaints. When I was thinking about hosting my own blog, I was using WP too! Good stuff, but yeh, it’s easy to get lost in themeland.

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