New Site – Feel Like Writing?

One of the changes I’ve made in the last few weeks is to move the stuff I’ve written about love, relationships, and community to a new home, Felis Lunae. That’s a handle I’ve used on OKCupid and in other places for years, so it’s a domain I happened to have sitting around – no other special meaning to the name, honestly.

Another is that Heartsong Handicrafts, where my cross-stitch designs live, is now a WordPress site. That makes it a little easier to navigate, and gives people the option to leave comments or contact me through the comment form.

I finally got all the home education articles moved over to Academy Caritas, where I intend to continue talking about lifelong education (not just homeschooling).

I moved a few more articles over to my writing portfolio, and got the safety and privacy articles settled into their proper home at Cyberstalked.

The only site that didn’t really get changes (yet) is Fibrant Living, but it will get updated. It’s about living a full, vibrant life despite chronic illnesses like fibromyalgia and major depression.

I wanted to go over the list of sites because I’m open to guest articles from anyone I know well here or on the other sites. I know some very good writers who don’t have websites of their own other than Facebook, which is really more for ephemera. If you’re interested in writing an article or post, please leave a comment here or contact me otherwise.

Cyn is Rick's wife, Katie's Mom, and Esther & Oliver's Mémé. She's also a professional geek, avid reader, fledgling coder, enthusiastic gamer (TTRPGs), occasional singer, and devoted stitcher.
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