Ten Things Meme

Ten things I’ve done that you probably haven’t done.

1) Been a guest on Oprah (and the BBC, and Sverige, and a bunch of other shows).
2) Been interviewed for Glamour magazine (and yes, they used the article) and a mess of other print publications.
3) Filed a criminal complaint that resulted in Georgia’s first arrest for an internet-related crime that wasn’t child porn or credit card fraud-related
4) Was the first female technical employee hired by a major ISP
5) Made up a fake organization, stationery, valid address & phone # and all, in order to safely correspond with missionaries in countries where they officially weren’t on behalf of my employer
6) Been a custodial and non-custodial parent and stepparent, as well as a step-grandmother, before the age of 30.
7) Turned down a serious marriage proposal from a Saudi Arabian man, complete with a diamond ring – at 13.
8) Held an SO through the effects of a suicide attempt, right up ’til the paramedics applied the defibrillator. Also at 13 (it was a busy year).
9) Spent a day busking in Paris with a fellow I’d just met that morning. Quite successfully, I might add.
10) Worked in a brothel. Okay, I was training the madame as to the use of the PC she’d bought from me.

Cyn is Rick's wife, Katie's Mom, and Esther & Oliver's Mémé. She's also a professional geek, avid reader, fledgling coder, enthusiastic gamer (TTRPGs), occasional singer, and devoted stitcher.
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