Clearing the Cache

You know it’s a weird-ass dream when it includes:

  • the Civil War
  • a visit home to Alabama with people who have been dead for years—but in current times, in a house that was sold out of the family more than a decade ago
  • an LJ “figure” who you’ve never met, and have never even read!
  • Cinderella in 5″ stilettos (clear glass, of course)
  • some sort of royalty/palace that seemed to combine elements of the British empire, the Manticoran monarchy (from David Weber’s Honor Harrington series), Sam’s Crown & Rose D&D campaign, and some utterly unidentifiable elements
  • conflation of Joe Brown with Willie Nelson, apparently heir to the throne in the above monarchy
  • said palace being located where a little convenience store (formerly with a gas station, long closed) was located a few lots away from your maternal grandmother’s home
  • a massive party including a “big top” sort of feel with all of the above
  • wearing clothing that definitely is NOT street legal to said party, with no sense of discomfort
  • Some kind of big-picture view of attempts to put out the fires (presumably of the Civil War, à la Sherman) across a skyline that has never had anything to do with Gadsden, Alabama, or even Atlanta, Georgia, that segues into cities across the world
  • your first car (a 1967 Cougar totalled in 1985)
  • ToD, the Truck of Doom that belongs to curiousmay9
  • a motorcycle you’ve never encountered (I haven’t ever driven one, and haven’t been on one as a passenger since I was 7)
  • No, I don’t usually dream about vehicles. Or wars.  I think there was even a Bilbo Baggins-type figure in there somewhere.

    Current Mood: 😉weird
    Category: LJ
    Cyn is Rick's wife, Katie's Mom, and Esther & Oliver's Mémé. She's also a professional geek, avid reader, fledgling coder, enthusiastic gamer (TTRPGs), occasional singer, and devoted stitcher.
    Posts created 4303

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