“If it has the word ‘Christian’ in it, it probably sucks.”

I adore preachermanfeed. If you don’t read him, you should.

He has been recounting his epic struggle with a raccoon in his chimney. It is a total hoot and especially enjoyable to me after our chimney struggles in 2002.

And then he tosses in this bit:
Let me give you a hint. If it has the word “Christian” in it, it probably sucks. Christian music—Christian t-shirts—Christian theme parks—Christian movies—Christian fiction. With very few exceptions, I hate all that crap.

I love it. Even when I was a Christian, I detested all the pablum sold as “Christian” whatever, because verily, most of it did suck. Powerfully. It would never have been manufactured/published/recorded/filmed with the “Christian” moniker. Mom had FITS when I made fun of the stuff, though—said I was being sacrilegious. She did learn not to say, “Well if you can do better, do it.” Because I could. Okay, I didn’t try making movies—but writing or music, hell yes, I could, in fact, do better than 90% of the crap in a “Christian bookstore.” When half asleep. As a teen.

Cyn is Rick's wife, Katie's Mom, and Esther & Oliver's Mémé. She's also a professional geek, avid reader, fledgling coder, enthusiastic gamer (TTRPGs), occasional singer, and devoted stitcher.
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