Tuesday’s Tale

I’m exhausted again. Or still. I had trouble staying awake in my speech class. The psychology & religion class will be mostly discussion, which is as it should be. It bids fair to be the best part of the semester. I’m looking forward to the mythology in the World Lit class, too.

I wasn’t able to log in for the online course yesterday, so I’m reading through the syllabus now. WebCT is so slow! The first unit is just an orientation on taking courses online, so I should be able to finish it pretty quickly.

I need to go buy my books. Since I dropped the other courses, I just have this one course that requires any textbooks. That’s a Good Thing monetarily.

We have assigned seats in the Public Speaking class. I can’t remember how long it’s been since I had to deal with that kind of thing, but there’s a damned good chance that most of the other students in the class weren’t alive at that time.

The hunt is on for our next home. shadowkatt and I drove by one house today, but it doesn’t look very good in person. king_james has gathered some possibilities and we’ll be going to view those in the next week or so, I think. (BTW, if you need a real estate agent, he’s your man!)

I wish I were able to nap. It isn’t something one generally thinks of as a skill, but I just don’t seem to be able to do it most of the time.

Tonight the girl has Wing Chun and Kali again. The studio is just far enough away that coming home after dropping her off is fairly silly—we’d be turning around to go back within 30 minutes. Of course, it would use more gas, too (and with the way those prices keep going up, that’s certainly something to consider).

There was a man screaming obscenities in the lobby of the dance studio last night. Apparently, it had something to do with the dance company (he has two daughters in it and apparently does some kind of work connected with the performances). Fortunately, Katie was not in the lobby, and she was smart enough to stay in the back ’til he was gone. He left just as I was going in to find out what was happening. I left a message for the studio owner today because I want to be absolutely sure that this person will not be anywhere near the girls in the future. He was absolutely raging and certainly way out of bounds.

I got some stitching done between classes today since the first course ended about an hour early. The two professors for that course said they have absolutely no problem with me stitching in their class as long as I am participating in the discussions. I need to kit up a small project to take with me, as the others I’m doing are too big to be easily portable.

I went by both Michael’s and Garden Ridge on my way home, because I need four skeins of DMC. Neither of them are carrying all of the DMC colors, which is very annoying. They didn’t have two of the colors I need because they are new. Well, I could have gotten them at Michael’s, but instead of spending less than a dollar I’d have had to buy a $15 set of all the new colors. Yes, I’d like to have all the new colors. I have all the others. But that’s just a ridiculous amount of money when I only need 2 of the 27 colors in the box. I wonder if Joann has it? The nearest actual needlework store is one in which I will not shop. I won’t be near Nease’s this week, and it would be very silly to drive to Decatur just for two skeins of thread.

sambear‘s bus seems to be running late today. He just called and said they were just getting out of Atlanta proper. I should figure out something about dinner now.

Cyn is Rick's wife, Katie's Mom, and Esther & Oliver's Mémé. She's also a professional geek, avid reader, fledgling coder, enthusiastic gamer (TTRPGs), occasional singer, and devoted stitcher.
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