I don’t remember what was in that shot I got today, but it helped. Of course, it also knocked me out. The muscle spasms stopped for a bit, which would have allowed me to use my hands better—except that I was too loopy. As soon as I started waking up, the muscles started tightening up again and my right hand started getting weak and numb (the right side of my neck is worst). Even the vision in my right eye is somewhat occluded.
I definitely know that the neck muscles are the cause now. Not that I can make it stop, but it’s information.
I can’t make the microphone work on my PC, dammit. That makes it impossible to use voice-recognition software. I’m actually going to resort to calling the tech support number tomorrow.
Sam and I both received copies of Budget Living magazine in the mail today. I’m not impressed with either of them.
There’s some nice stuff in the Jessica London catalog, though. And Sam definitely liked some of the lingerie in the Lane Bryant catalog.