Are there any companies/organizations around Atlanta that let you take trash to them without paying for an entire ton at a time? We have friends who buy trash bags and then take their trash to the designated location, so they…
The Geek Who Understands You
Are there any companies/organizations around Atlanta that let you take trash to them without paying for an entire ton at a time? We have friends who buy trash bags and then take their trash to the designated location, so they…
How much does our framing of events change how they affect us? Current Mood: 🙂hopefulCurrent Music: <lj user="shadowkatt"> watching the History channel
Welsh Proverb: Be honorable yourself if you wish to associate with honorable people. Today’s doonesbury is a hoot 🙂 I can’t get to /. today. Bah.
Fascinating article: Sodomy Flaw: How the courts have distorted the history of anti-sodomy laws in America. Thanks, jenk!
After talking about routines yesterday, I found it rather amusing that this was my Beliefnet horoscope today: SCORPIO (Oct 23 – Nov 22): If you can keep your mind focused on the details of your routines, you’ll feel better both…
I know perfectly well that sambear and I aren’t the only two gamers in Atlanta. We are, however, the only two signed up for the Roleplayers Meetup here. That’s silly.
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