Sleepy Sleepy

I am SO sleepy! Ridiculously sleepy. I will head to bed Very Soon Now, I promise. Or sambear will have to lug me there while I’m unconscious. And I haven’t even taken the sleepytime medicine yet!

We went to sing with A and other people I would love to know better this afternoon. We knew we’d need to leave early to get to Trybalaka practice, but we wanted to see them. I nearly said, “Oh, let’s just try next time” and I’m really glad I didn’t. Good people, good music, good conversation, lovely hugs.

Practice went well, I think. Things are really coming together—and it’s a darned good thing since we don’t practice until January, then we have one practice and our first performance since Sam and I joined the group. Someone who might want to audition sat in on most of the practice to get a feel for the kind of music we’re doing. He seemed nice enough, but I couldn’t really get a read on him. He’s a guitar player. I have a dreadful weakness for guitarists. He seemed awfully straitlaced for a pagan group, though.

That reminds me—I have to get something to wear to that performance between now and then. Yes, it seems like a long way away, but I HATE shopping. And I hate shopping for clothes even more than shopping for anything else. It could take most of that time just to make myself go look for something.

The kids didn’t call us every few minutes during practice this week to get mediation on their disputes—that’s what it felt like last week. They all survived time without us and they did eat dinner and even tried to clean up after themselves! R didn’t get the two things I’d ask him to do done, because he was playing Starcraft instead of doing those things or his homework. This is after he was supposedly not feeling well enough to do ANYTHING earlier, so he’s in the doghouse with me in a big way right now.

He’s 14. This is ridiculous. I know, I know—kids with ADHD are typically a couple of years behind their peers in many ways. I’d expect more responsibility than that from a 9-year-old, though. (I did expect it from Katie, and I got it, so I know that isn’t unrealistic.)

Okay, I’m grumpy. I’m sure I’ll be less ticked off at him in the morning. I moved too much stuff around yesterday and slipped and twisted my back, so I’m in lots more pain today than I have been lately. That makes me get all bitchy, and I try not to let it affect other people too much but there are times when I’m much more short-tempered than I would be otherwise. I’m much less contrary than I would have been without getting to make music and see wonderful people, though!

Last weekend Katie and R attended a friend’s birthday party. This weekend that friend’s mother let us know that he’s been sick all week and may have mononucleosis—we should know something tomorrow. Sam and I have both had it, but none of our kids have. Ack! Rowan has been really droopy, but it would be too early for him to show symptoms if he were just exposed last weekend. Of course, all these kids run around together a lot, so it’s more than likely that whatever he has, Katie and R were exposed to as well at some point in the past.

As mentioned above, we moved some furniture around yesterday. I want to have that project completely done tomorrow because I need to start getting the house really ready for Thanksgiving.

One of the reasons for moving furniture around is to make room for a king-sized bed in our bedroom. No, we don’t have one, but we need and want one. I decided that maybe the universe will be more inclined to gift us with one if we already have a place for it.

Headcount for Thanksgiving dinner here is up to 22. Does anybody else need a place to be, or just want to join us?

Current Mood: 😴sleepy
Cyn is Rick's wife, Katie's Mom, and Esther & Oliver's Mémé. She's also a professional geek, avid reader, fledgling coder, enthusiastic gamer (TTRPGs), occasional singer, and devoted stitcher.
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