Friday Five

1. Were you raised in a particular religious faith?
I was raised very deep-water Southern Baptist. We went to church every time the doors were open, which is a LOT in an SB congregation.

2. Do you still practice that faith? Why or why not?
No. I was getting in trouble for questioning inconsistencies before I was 10. I tried, very hard, to understand my parents’ religion. I studied the Bible and various theologians and prayed for guidance and tried to “just have faith” and it simply didn’t work for me. I finally left the church completely in my early 20s, and later found myself drawn to paganism and then Unitarian Universalism.

3. What do you think happens after death?
I don’t have enough information to have an opinion.

4. What is your favorite religious ritual (participating in or just observing)?
Well, I like Imbolc, and Beltane is lots of fun, as well. But my religion is less about ritual and calendars than about a way of living.

5. Do you believe people are basically good?
I believe most people are born that way, but obviously, some don’t stay that way.

Cyn is Rick's wife, Katie's Mom, and Esther & Oliver's Mémé. She's also a professional geek, avid reader, fledgling coder, enthusiastic gamer (TTRPGs), occasional singer, and devoted stitcher.
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