Home again. I’m SO sleepy! Yes, we stayed up way, way too late again. It was well worth it. We got the girls, got Katie to choir practice, picked up the boy, got home, took care of the dog, and…
The Geek Who Understands You
Home again. I’m SO sleepy! Yes, we stayed up way, way too late again. It was well worth it. We got the girls, got Katie to choir practice, picked up the boy, got home, took care of the dog, and…
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My baby girl was born on this day 12 years ago. She’s downstairs playing Pendragon at the moment. I’m tickled that she’s having fun with most of her friends, and I’m so proud of my girl in so many ways.…
I’m still very annoyed with my voice. There’s a fair piece just totally missing from the top of my normal range. I’m pretty solid from an E below middle C up to the G above the treble clef. I can…
I’m envious of OLQ’s cute nicknames and all. But we don’t want to just copy them. It would be way easier to refer to our SOs in posts here if we had such nicknames. Hmmm. Katie’s birthday party is tonight.…
The jerk asked for yet another continuation—he’s using the same tactics as when we were in court earlier this year. Big clue to the whole world: if you are in court for ANY reason at all, and I mean even…
sambear found some Throat Coat tea for me 🙂 It doesn’t taste TOO horribly atrocious, although I still don’t like tea.
I’ve been reading Writing Down the Bones by Natalie Goldberg. All this stuff about writing practice has me considering starting a journal just for that purpose.
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