
Have you ever had the feeling that you left a party way too early? Well, it was a school/work night for us, so we didn’t have much choice. But I feel a bit pouty anyway.

It was wonderful to get in-person hugs from ga_sunshine and her family, and finally get to meet deza in person after knowing her online for several years. She’s a yummy armful to hug, too. And I really enjoyed talking with mfree—I hope you get down this way on your travels again soon. Of course, Sunshine’s family is always lovely—and Little Miss warmed up to me this time! So I got cuddles and kisses and we played ball until she had to go down for her nap. deza‘s children are cuties, as well, but a little shyer so I didn’t get much interaction with them.

I’m absolutely in awe of ga_sunshine and her hubby. They managed to throw a party just two weeks after moving, and the house looked wonderful. Despite advance warnings, I didn’t see one box anywhere. And the Cat From Hell was all purry and sweet. But HUGE! I’m wondering how on earth even a Goddess manages to bathe that beast.

There seem to be many people with various sicknesses today. Hugs to all of you, and I hope you feel much better soon.

I’m waiting for the cable guy. We’re supposed to get another digital cable box today—it’s only taken 3 weeks. But I had a dream about them not showing. I’m hoping it wasn’t prophetic.

Oh—anybody want an invisibility cloak?

Cyn is Rick's wife, Katie's Mom, and Esther & Oliver's Mémé. She's also a professional geek, avid reader, fledgling coder, enthusiastic gamer (TTRPGs), occasional singer, and devoted stitcher.
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