Wanna Make Some music?

This coming Saturday, August 24, we’re hosting a housefilk here starting at 7 pm.

This is a little odd, since this is the second time we’ve hosted a filk here but we’ve only actually attended one that was hosted anywhere else because we just don’t seem to get to the monthly events. And we aren’t even heavily into filk, but I do love making music, and we have room to host it, so there ya go.

Anyway, if you’re within driving distance of the metro Atlanta area and reading this, you’re invited. I don’t post phone numbers or directions on any kind of website, but if you’ll email me or sambear we’ll happily send along the relevant information.

Kids are welcome and there’s a playroom downstairs for them to hang out if they don’t want to be upstairs where the music is happening. There’s no smoking at all here, and we have a cat and a dog in the house if anyone has allergy concerns. Bring your voice, musical instrument(s), and anything you want to sing. Copies of Rise Up Singing are good if you have them.

GaFiA, or Georgia Filkers Anonymous…
… is an organization of filkers who gather once a month for a house filk.
What is filk?

Commonly thought of as music based on science fiction or fantasy themes, filk evolved over the last fifty years into “anything sung by filkers.” This music genre encompasses a broad range of styles, talents, and performers, from solo artists to folk/rock bands to choirs. Sometimes parodies of popular tunes are “borrowed,” but more often filk songs are original compositions. Poetry, short fiction, schtick, ose (more-ose), and even improv theatre appear from time to time. No holds are barred when it comes to topics.

The GaFiA sponsored house filks provide warm, friendly, and casual settings for enjoyable evenings of filk, friends, and fun.

Come join in the harmony!

Cyn is Rick's wife, Katie's Mom, and Esther & Oliver's Mémé. She's also a professional geek, avid reader, fledgling coder, enthusiastic gamer (TTRPGs), occasional singer, and devoted stitcher.
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