I have referred to The Man Diet several times as something I have done and recommend. After explaining it several times, I finally wrote it up and put it on my website. The article is a bit aged now, so…
The Geek Who Understands You
I have referred to The Man Diet several times as something I have done and recommend. After explaining it several times, I finally wrote it up and put it on my website. The article is a bit aged now, so…
I lost track of who originally linked to what, so I can’t credit them properly. But thank you to whoever they all were, anyway! Filed under “another reason I’m proud to be a homeschooler”: California court rules that private school…
From Gay Unions Shed Light on Gender in Marriage A growing body of evidence shows that same-sex couples have a great deal to teach everyone else about marriage and relationships. Most studies show surprisingly few differences between committed gay couples…
The interview we did is up! Chronic Pain and Sex: a Couple’s Gentle Battle With Fibromyalgia I’m pleased with it. There are very few, mostly immaterial inaccuracies.
From today’s Delancey Place newsletter: In the terrain of the human heart, scientists tell us, at least three independent but interrelated brain systems are at play, all moving us in their own way. To untangle love’s mysteries, neuroscience distinguishes between…
Originally published at Enemy of Entropy. Please leave any comments there. “His date works for Red Hat, who hired a coach for her, too. He advised her to, ‘Rent lots of movies like Hitch. Guys love those.’” Share This
So I actually heard from someone via Orkut. I can’t remember if that’s ever happened to me before or not. Anyway, I went to check out this person’s profile and realized mine was way out of date. Someday, I swear,…
I just called it giving someone “the benefit of the doubt.” As in, if you don’t KNOW that they meant to be late, assume it was accidental, unless they are late so frequently that it’s a well-established pattern. In any…
This began as a comment in misia‘s journal. I do believe that sexual violence is underreported, especially in men. I don’t believe that 100% of the female population has experienced sexual violence. I do think the “1 in 4 women”…
At the first session my life partner and I had with a therapist six years ago, trying to deal with issues that were largely caused by one of those DQs, I said, “The first step in treating snakebite is to…
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