Review: Forever Werewolf/Moon Kissed

Forever Werewolf: Forever Werewolf\Moon KissedForever Werewolf: Forever Werewolf\Moon Kissed by Michele Hauf
My rating: 1 of 5 stars

Full disclosure: I was given a copy of this book to review. I’m glad I didn’t buy it. I imagine I might have been harsher.

In Forever Werewolf, Tryst is just delivering a package to Wulfsiege on behalf of his father’s security company when he gets trapped there by an avalanche. He doesn’t mind, though, because the recipient of that package has a luscious daughter, Lexi.

Female werewolves are rare, and those few are protected like the precious treasures they are. Even though Tryst wasn’t brought up in a pack, he knows that much. He also knows there’s something very strange about the fact that Lexi isn’t claimed by any of the males in the pack – in fact, they seem to give her a wide berth. She’s obviously highly intelligent and competent, and she’s beautiful. She’s far more alluring to him than her spoiled, pampered princess sister could ever be.

Lexi is fascinated by Tryst, despite being warned away from the half-blooded wolf by her ailing father. He seems interested in her, as well, but she fears that’s only because he doesn’t know her crippling secret: she hasn’t ever shifted. A werewolf who can’t shift can’t mate, so she’s useless in the eyes of the pack.

Tryst is warned away from Lexi by her father, head of the pack, as well, but he can’t seem to stay away from her. She’s like no other woman, werewolf or mortal, he’s ever encountered. What is it that draws them to each other? Is it worth risking their lives for?

It was obvious to me from the first pages of the book that Tryst and Lexi would get together, and that it would cost Tryst many bruises and much grief. The bad guy was all too obvious, as well – if the average reader can’t identify him in the first mention, I’ll be shocked. (Perhaps I should be more specific and say “experienced romance reader” instead.)

As for Moon Kissed, it was so forgettable that I’d have to look up the main male’s name. The female was Bella, something I only recall due to bad memories of Twilight. Oh, wait, the male was Severo! Right then. Severo saves Bella from vampires who chase her while frightening the hell out of her himself, groping her, and offering absolutely no explanations of the strange new realities her world is suddenly encompassing.

After that event, Bella learns that her best friend Seth’s new girlfriend is a vampire, something Seth just hadn’t quite gotten around to mentioning. Seth explains that Severo (whose name she doesn’t yet know) is probably a werewolf, from her description of him and his actions. Severo has, in the meantime, started stalking Bella to protect her from the vampires he’s sure will continue to hunt her (for reasons unknown to him when he starts on this plan of action). After seeing Seth with vampire Evie, with whom Severo has a history, Severo realizes that Evie probably sicced the vampires on Bella due to jealousy.

One of the many, many things that bothered me about this book is that Bella is supposedly a web designer, but she never seems to work. She certainly doesn’t have a laptop, which would be de rigeur, and she lives in a ridiculously upscale place (an apartment with its very own heated pool?) for someone in that profession. She can afford a lot of dance lessons, too – but her real source of income or capital is never explained. Apparently, Hauf was just looking for a profession that could be “done anywhere” and someone suggested “web designer” so she grabbed that and ran with it.

Of course, Severo is also supposed to “do something with real estate” – how believable is that as a character detail? I guess we’re supposed to just accept that he’s rich, can spend his time as he pleases, and let everything else go without question. How is it that he has a Brownie for a housekeeper? What’s the relationship between Faery and werewolves and vampires? Who knows?

The story does not get more believable as it goes on. Of course, Bella falls in love with her stalker and trusts him completely. There are evil vampires. There’s one good vampire, just to show that they aren’t uniformly bad. But you can tell where Severo and Bella’s relationship is going in the earliest scenes, and that’s the most important part of the book because it’s a romance. There are complications but they’ll be overcome, or it wouldn’t be a romance.

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Cyn is Rick's wife, Katie's Mom, and Esther & Oliver's Mémé. She's also a professional geek, avid reader, fledgling coder, enthusiastic gamer (TTRPGs), occasional singer, and devoted stitcher.
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