Review: Ghost Story by Jim Butcher

Ghost Story: A Novel of the Dresden FilesGhost Story: A Novel of the Dresden Files by Jim Butcher
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Of course I (along with all Jim Butcher‘s other fans) have been absolutely dying to read this book ever since finishing Changes. Sam and I have been talking about how there could possibly be another book that occurs after Dresden’s death. Of course, the novella included in Side Jobs: Stories From the Dresden Files was very good and got along quite well without Dresden, but that probably wasn’t going to work for an entire novel.

Sam hasn’t even started Ghost Story yet, so I can’t gloat at home. I was actually right in some of my speculations! I’m being non-specific so as to not give too much away, even though I am hiding this review behind spoiler warnings on GoodReads in case he does read it and remember what I had said (which is highly doubtful). But I feel like bragging somewhere, so you, dear readers, have to put up with it.

Jim Butcher deserves major praise. Ghost Story is amazing. Dresden has become such a powerful wizard that few enemies are truly a challenge, and wiping out the entire Red Court with one spell was an amazing feat. What do you do for an encore to that? Having Dresden immaterial and operating without magic does seriously push him, and that makes for a fascinating tale. Being able to keep a series fresh in its thirteenth volume says a lot for Butcher’s talent. I think Ghost Story is the best Dresden Files book yet, and I’m looking forward to book fourteen even more!

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Cyn is Rick's wife, Katie's Mom, and Esther & Oliver's Mémé. She's also a professional geek, avid reader, fledgling coder, enthusiastic gamer (TTRPGs), occasional singer, and devoted stitcher.
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4 thoughts on “Review: Ghost Story by Jim Butcher

  1. I too was amazed by the deft way Jim Butcher leapt from the corner he had painted himself into…actually, its more like he slipped out the secret door. Check my full review of Ghost Story

  2. Sounds great, I loved reading his previous books, i will have to give this one ago. I am assumed it might be the end after dresdon died, pleased that there will me more books.

  3. Pingback: Ghost Story by Jim Butcher « Blackbird Books

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