Tweets for 12-11-2007

  • 22:02 New blog entry: Tweets for Today #
  • 12:45 @pistachio Don’t you have to Twitter in French while you’re there? Are the language police after you? #
  • 12:54 @marcbenton Sounds like someone I need to follow! @shashib, what do you think? #
  • 13:08 @chrisbrogan What are serving suggestions for life? #
  • 13:09 @chrisbrogan Yes, the majority of the people I’ve known are followers. They want that structure. They aren’t the people I choose to ass … #
  • 13:18 So sleepy. I had dreams that should only happen to people who drop acid during a Thomas the Tank Engine marathon. #
  • 13:18 And I’ve never touched the stuff! #
  • 13:20 People who have tagged stuff "a cappella" on LastFM seem to lack understanding that it means NO INSTRUMENTS. Just VOICES #
  • 13:21 @teemonster Is there an antidote? #
  • 13:26 @randellfever Is it an older one? Haven’t tried my ancient one, not on Seesmic yet. #
  • 13:27 @teemonster That cure may be worse than the malady. #
  • 13:28 @randellfever Probably not the problem then 🙂 #
  • 13:30 @randellfever Did you check for newer software from Logitech? #
  • 13:50 This hurts (had to download to watch, site is getting slammed) #
  • 14:00 @bucketjen If you do the form, they farm out data entry to firms who sell your address. Is a data point. #
  • 14:00 @bucketjen Post Office isn’t so forthcoming about that. #
  • 14:01 @foulbastard Somehow, that’s even worse. #
  • 15:35 @ariedana Hey now! Don’t be so hard on yourself. #
  • 15:35 @michebel Yep. Have a very good life. #
  • 15:38 @hotdogsladies Resist the lawn worship cult! Stay strong! #
  • 15:39 Just heard Capercaillie’s "Servant to the Slave" on LastFM. Now I have to go find lyrics. #
  • 15:43 7 new Twitter friends, and I didn’t even comment on @jowyang’s post! #
  • 15:44 I don’t remember who mentioned headphones at Woot, but thank you. Bought ’em. #
  • 15:44 Family is hard on headphones. #
  • 15:53 @davidward Cool blog! Do you know if it’s syndicated on LiveJournal yet? If not, may I? #
  • 15:54 @davidward Want to post link to GeeksAtHome LJ community, most users seem to use LJ as aggregator #
  • 16:01 @ariedana He has poor taste. *hugs* #
  • 16:10 @davidward Thanks 🙂 Will be on LJ as #
  • 16:39 @glendawh Just move to Atlanta. It’s 77F here. #
  • 16:46 @hobbinator That’s great! How is Roo? #
  • 18:41 @hobbinator I’m sorry about Roo 🙁 I’ll keep thinking about him. (Just got back to PC) #
  • 18:42 @mariana_66 What kind of recital? If the chaos was controlled at all, it went well 😉 #
  • 18:46 @hopeevey No TT marathons for me. Don’t think I’ve actually seen one whole episode. #
  • 18:47 @hopeevey Just saw Carlin and said, "Why is he on during kid programming time?" #
  • 18:48 @abiteofsanity I miss having a fireplace. Even if it is way too hot to use one most of the time here. #
  • 18:51 @seambarpoet is on the way home with Philly cheesesteaks for dinner #
  • 18:52 @jchutchins I’m looking forward to reading 7S 🙂 You have guaranteed sale of all 3 volumes here. #
  • 19:01 @raphaelt We’re looking forward to a kid-free just-us night, so I’m afraid we’ll have to invite you another time 🙂 #
  • 19:07 @raphaelt: We’ll just worry if you @ reply to your own @ reply 😉 #
  • 19:26 What is it with the Brennans? Moya is aka Máire, Enya is aka Eithne Brennan, and even Brennan is sometimes Ní Bhraonáin #
  • 19:31 @sambearpoet is home! I’m off for a while 🙂 #

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Cyn is Rick's wife, Katie's Mom, and Esther & Oliver's Mémé. She's also a professional geek, avid reader, fledgling coder, enthusiastic gamer (TTRPGs), occasional singer, and devoted stitcher.
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