- 07:53 Good morning Tweeters! #
- 14:00 @minitotoro Working in IT is not necessarily a sign of cluefulness, unfortunately. #
- 14:00 @ariedana We look forward to photos of you in dress 🙂 #
- 15:27 @ariedana Woo hoo! #
- 15:28 @jchutchins You still doing that naughty phone call thing? #
- 15:31 @jchutchins All I have going for me is the voice! #
- 15:32 @jchutchins SO cute! #
- 15:48 I am SO catted. Kioshi is trying to remove keyboard and mouse from HIS area (my lap) #
- 15:52 @shashib Fewer restrictions than shared hosting, less expensive than dedicated hosting #
- 15:58 @queenofspain Definitely crazy. But better on weekday than weekend. Morning even better #
- 16:04 @shashib Got it #
- 16:05 @shashib It’ll be up in a few minutes #
- 16:30 @ariedana I can understand that. I’d have trouble with it, too. #
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