Tweets for 12-10-2007

  • 22:02 New blog entry: Tweets for Today #
  • 23:36 @hobbinator Let me know if it does. I’ll Twitter for Claritin-D. Heck, I’d do a lot more for my loratadine + decongestant fix. #
  • 23:38 @shashib Night! I will post after closing the poll #
  • 23:40 Just 20 minutes left to vote for the Funniest Twitterer #
  • 23:41 @chelpixie I promise that you’re not invisible. #
  • 23:44 @chelpixie What song is in your Twitter background? Can’t see enough to identify it. #
  • 23:44 @hobbinator Darn. Anybody near me is probably in bed – it’s 11:44pm – anyway. #
  • 23:52 @mikedoe I’m afraid I don’t. Her user page was there Friday when I made the poll, now it’s gone #
  • 23:53 @GarlG Ewww! I hope you feel better soon. #
  • 00:31 New blog entry: Results Are In! The Funniest Twitterer Is #
  • 13:25 @tsdivadani Re family? I’ve always found that to be the case. #
  • 13:25 @tsdivadani Only person I’m sure I’m really related to is my daughter #
  • 13:46 Thanks, @marcbenton 🙂 #
  • 13:47 It’s 89 degrees F on my front porch here in Atlanta. It is INSANE to need a/c in December! #
  • 13:51 @okiej I don’t expect things from Focus on the Family to make sense. #
  • 13:51 @abiteofsanity Done 😉 I’ve never seen a white Christmas #
  • 13:52 @minitotoro Let’s just say our electric bill makes me a global warming believer #
  • 13:54 Wouldn’t do any good to do that shoveling in the Bible Belt, @abiteofsanity. Nothing is open! #
  • 13:55 @abiteofsanity We really are considering moving away from the blue laws and other nonsense #
  • 14:02 @foulbastard Do they include bouncing around in little clothing to "distract" attackers? #
  • 14:06 Hello @mariana_66, @AndrewBadera, @JimWalton and a bunch of other people #
  • 14:12 @chumworth If they go after our humor infrastructure, we’re doomed. #
  • 14:12 @JimWalton just read your post re "experts" – good stuff. #
  • 14:13 Good article about social media and experts, folks: #
  • 14:32 @queenofspain Getting older is far better than the alternative, hon. I’m happily 41. #
  • 14:33 @randellfever I guess "I need a few sanity hours" won’t work? #
  • 14:35 @andrewbadera I don’t think math courses figure heavily in theology or journalism education. Having been married to a youth minister, in … #
  • 14:36 @andrewbadera Having been married to a youth minister, I know there isn’t much math involved in theology undergrad studies. #
  • 14:36 @mariana_66 Audacity. Works on most any platform and is open-source (free!) #
  • 14:37 @mariana_66 Oh – you mean hardware, don’t you? @sambearpoet is using a Sony minidisc recorder with good results, looking for something s … #
  • 14:45 @jimwalton Water is limited? Eeep! #
  • 15:16 @genuine What answer is that? #
  • 15:23 @randellfever Yay! #
  • 15:38 @mariana_66: @sambearpoet is my partner. Let us know what you find, ok? #
  • 15:59 @hobbinator Hope Roo is better soon! #
  • 16:00 Crud. Think the girl may have a sinus infection. #
  • 16:02 @mariana_66 We got the minidisc recorder/reader via Freecycle 🙂 #
  • 16:16 @queenofspain Ewww! Never had one fight about that! Keeping ANY pants on, yes. #
  • 16:21 @queenofspain: @sambearpoet’s youngest went through a period of referring to herself as "the baby" constantly. Hopefully, it won’t last … #
  • 16:39 @jimwalton Is all of you ok? #
  • 16:40 @jimwalton No secure footing for ladder on ice/snow, methinks. Call power company? #
  • 16:53 @jimwalton I see. Could you steady ladder while someone else climbed to try? #
  • 16:54 @jimwalton You were very lucky! #
  • 16:56 @jimwalton I guess that’s why they say a hurt thing "smarts" #
  • 17:21 Logging off for a while. Need to get some fluids into the girl. #
  • 20:00 Freaking out. The guy who contacted me via Consumating might as well have been created as pure Cyn bait. #
  • 20:00 I’m too weird to see that happen often. #
  • 20:01 @chumworth Crossing the strike line, I see 😉 #
  • 20:02 @acomputerpro Do you normally disrobe at the dentist’s office? #
  • 20:11 @flyswatter We have had lots more trouble with DSL than cable broadband. Slower and lots of outages. #
  • 20:23 @marinamartin Don’t know what Moola is? #
  • 20:28 @jchutchins Woot! #
  • 20:30 @marinamartin Moola looks interesting, would like an invite pretty please. #

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Cyn is Rick's wife, Katie's Mom, and Esther & Oliver's Mémé. She's also a professional geek, avid reader, fledgling coder, enthusiastic gamer (TTRPGs), occasional singer, and devoted stitcher.
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