- 17:11 @akamonty About drama – sometimes true, sometimes not. Ex-husband burned out my drama tolerance circuits. I just don’t put up with it/ha … #
- 17:11 Hello world. This is the only safe socializing for me – girl and I have The Crud. #
- 17:13 What is hulu? #
- 17:15 @akaMonty I can agree with that one 🙂 #
- 17:19 Thanks, @ikepigott . I learn so much on Twitter! #
- 17:20 @sambearpoet Loaned our Firefly DVDs to his mom. And she hasn’t even watched them yet! #
- 17:20 Now I want them. It’s @akamonty’s fault. #
- 17:21 I think mebbe we should have another set of Firefly DVDs for such occasions. #
- 17:21 @ultimatejosh Yes! #
- 17:26 @ikepigott I know 🙁 I was sad. #
- 17:27 @nukehavoc We already keep multiples of some books, but Firefly is the first series I’ve felt that way about. #
- 17:27 @akamonty Really? What’s extra in collectors ed? We bought the regular the minute it was released. #
- 17:36 @trula I miss the days when my girl could be turned out in a park to run 🙂 17 is weirder. #
- 17:37 @akamonty You have more self-control than I would! 🙂 #
- 17:38 @sambearpoet is stuck in traffic on his way home. #
- 17:45 @ikepigott Happy Holidays! #
- 18:14 Sam is home! #
- 18:57 Congrats to @shashib on his new job! #
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