Episode 4 The first episode in the new, shorter format, recorded on my very own microphone. Thank you for your patience in waiting for it! Most of today’s show is about audio entertainment and information, which is great when the…
The Geek Who Understands You
Episode 4 The first episode in the new, shorter format, recorded on my very own microphone. Thank you for your patience in waiting for it! Most of today’s show is about audio entertainment and information, which is great when the…
I don’t think so, honestly. And, if she’s anything like those who participated in a recent survey, I don’t think Katie will, either. …according to “Homeschooling Grows Up,” a research study on adults who were homeschooled, 74 percent of those…
Wow. It’s been almost as fun listening to the kids (Katie’s gang, here for her birthday party) game as it would be to be part of a game myself. Maybe I will play Vampire someday. I suppose I’d trust Sam…
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