Avoiding Homework

I don’t like updating via the web interface. But it’s better than not being able to update at all.

Well, I dropped all but two of my classes. Or I’m halfway there, anyway—got all three instructors’ signatures on the forms today. Now I have to get their department heads’ signatures and my department head/advisor’s signature. That’s actually only two people, neither of whom was on campus today. So I’ll be doing that tomorrow—or trying to!

I’m hoping to be able to drop the courses rather than simply withdrawing so that I don’t end up paying tuition for them. Since the disability paperwork wasn’t done before the drop/add deadline, I’m hoping they’ll see that as a reasonable explanation.

I’ve been on campus pretty much all day. I was home for maybe 30 minutes after my tech writing course with Sam, but then he needed to go see someone for whom he might do some consulting. Since I have another course at 5:15 and he was going to be close to Alpharetta, I just had him bring me back to campus. Having just one car sucks! But he did make a nice roast beef sandwich for me for lunch 🙂

I cannot seem to stay focused on my computer textbook. At all. Seriously. What is it about textbooks? The only one I’ve found engaging so far is the ancient history text, and I had to drop that course!

I did get my homework done for tonight’s course and today’s tech writing class. I have more to do for the TW course when I get home. I wouldn’t mind hanging out on campus nearly as much with a laptop. And a Starbucks. There should be one on every campus, don’t you think?

My PDA isn’t even with me. I feel bereft! Its battery died completely for the very first time. I failed to actually plug in the power bit of the cradle, so it wasn’t actually recharging when I thought it was. I shouldn’t have lost any data, but I’m annoyed. I’d just finished entering all the info on assignments for both of my classes into Due Yesterday and was trying to synch that to the PDA when I discovered the problem. Stupid Cyn!

I finished watching The Man in the Iron Mask with Sam this weekend. I had just been around in the room when he and Katie watched the beginning of the movie, but it was easy enough to pick up the plot thread. I still can’t stand Leonardo di Caprio.

I visited the campus library for the first time today. I was hoping to get my reading done, but the atmosphere was too sleepy-making. I did check out a book, Does Jane Compute? by Roberta Furger. I got the sticker on my student ID that’s supposed to let me check out books at Kennesaw State’s library, which is closer to our house.

I still need to get by the YMCA to get started on the membership process. I need to talk to my doctor about my lab test results‐I called this morning but I thought I’d be home in the afternoon when they were going to call back.

Katie called last night and got me rather worried—she said her vision was blurry. If it was still like that this morning, her grandmother was going to take her to a doctor down there. I’m hoping it went away. Otherwise, she’s having a marvelous time.

We miss all three kids. It is SO weird not having any of them around! Shelley is extremely grumpy about the lack of staff, too.

Um, yeah. Homework. Need to read. (sigh)

Cyn is Rick's wife, Katie's Mom, and Esther & Oliver's Mémé. She's also a professional geek, avid reader, fledgling coder, enthusiastic gamer (TTRPGs), occasional singer, and devoted stitcher.
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