Transfer Credits

I *know* redcub and cybrcat can commiserate.

The person who evaluates transfer credits at SPSU has been out sick for much of the last week. The one time I reached her, she said the last time she had whatever it is she has now, she ended up with pleurisy. This is not happy news. I feel selfish for even being annoyed with her, as she must be really miserable.

But today SOME of my credits did show up on my academic transcript as displayed on their web system. 30 hours—exactly enough to qualify me for the Hope grant. I should be grateful, but I’m really confused as to how she chose which credits to give me.

I got credit for an English class at Agnes Scott that nobody else has ever given anything for, because it was one quarter of a three-quarter class. I didn’t get credit for taking precalculus there, though it was a one-quarter course. In fact, there’s a note saying that I need to submit a description of that class. How confusing is “precalculus,” which is what shows on the transcript from Agnes Scott? And why is French II shown as French I? I have credit for taking voice there, although there’s no equivalent as SPSU has no music department (that really sucks, and is one of the few things I really don’t like about this school).

Interestingly enough, the science/culture honors seminar at ASC doesn’t show up at all.

She skipped credit for the religion, accounting, and economics classes I took at Mercer. The accounting and economics classes definitely have SPSU equivalents, though unsurprisingly they don’t offer “New Testament as Literature.” She gave me credit for a two-hour communications class that was all about transactional analysis and consensus decision making, though it has absolutely no equivalent at SPSU.

I got credit for accounting II and a math course taken at (what is now) Perimeter College, as well as political science 101, psychology 101, Spanish 101, and 6 hours of PE. Biology 101, though, is nowhere to be seen. And of course, that’s one that would actually fulfill a core curriculum requirement. Is that why I didn’t get credit for it?

Looking over this stuff, most of it counts in areas that aren’t too important—but I expected that. The accounting courses more than paid for themselves in the jobs I’ve been able to hold over the years because of them, anyway.

Anyway—my financial aid is waiting only on the academic transcript stuff now, according to the web interface. So I’m sorta wondering when the lady will be done.

I’m going to try to get an appointment with my advisor (I have one, and he’s the head of the department!) to discuss some of these requirements. Two hours of public speaking—hello? Could I just turn in some of the videotapes of the TV interviews I’ve done? “Society and Technology Seminar” is required of everyone, and sounds like somebody’s pet project to me. It’s an interdisciplinary class. Then there’s the “introduction to computer concepts.” I can’t take any other computer courses until I pay to have someone tell me the difference between hardware and software.

At least the first technical communications class IS being offered, and IS still open right now—as a web-based course! Yay!

Cyn is Rick's wife, Katie's Mom, and Esther & Oliver's Mémé. She's also a professional geek, avid reader, fledgling coder, enthusiastic gamer (TTRPGs), occasional singer, and devoted stitcher.
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