Happy Happy

My parents gave me a paraffin wax bath thingie for Christmas. They actually gave me something I really wanted! They also gave me a very nice housecoat, which actually fits (to my great surprise). And is pretty and comfy.

But the wax thing—swoon! I love it. It feels SO good on achy hands and feet, and it makes my skin all nice and soft. shadowkatt tried it today too, and she likes it as well. I’d happily just dip myself in one of these things up to my neck. Seriously. I need to check out the nearest beauty supply place for the wax and plastic liners, and possibly some more of the little mitts. Damned if I’m going to wait to order that stuff from Revlon—and I figure theirs will be more expensive, too.

So don’t be surprised, if you visit my home, if you should find me encasing your extremities in hot wax. I feel like the paraffin evangelist, baby!

We got goddessinga, The Son, and Little Miss back home yesterday, and got to have lunch with greyknight. GiG kept G with her for the night. I soon discovered that I did not have a key to Virginia, sambear‘s car, with me. Eeep! So I ended up driving Elizabeth (GiG’s vehicle) as shadowkatt and I went to meet naesa and normal.

naesa is altering the pattern for my costume for Scarlett’s party! Yay! I’m so excited. We got the fabric. My skirt and blouse will be a lovely bright teal satiny fabric. The bloomers are a satiny black. The vest is black velveteen with gold ribbon trim, and the ribbon has Celtic knotwork on it! naesa is so wonderful!

I had gotten extremely depressed because a professional seamstress had told isarma that the pattern couldn’t be altered to fit me at all, so I was feeling extremely fat and ugly—like I should just drop out of the group completely because I was sure nobody would want to see me standing up in front of them. I’m not wholly over that yet.

I still need to figure out footwear and find a black garter, and we have to dress sambear.

I need to get the house ready now. goddessinga, greyknight and family should be arriving in a few hours!

Current Mood: 🙂excited
Current Music: Mary Chapin Carpenter
Cyn is Rick's wife, Katie's Mom, and Esther & Oliver's Mémé. She's also a professional geek, avid reader, fledgling coder, enthusiastic gamer (TTRPGs), occasional singer, and devoted stitcher.
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