Okay, sisterfish125, this was a weird one!
Which carnivore are you?
this quiz was made by hypothermya
You are
A Dewy Pine!
This plant is something of an anomaly among carnivorous plants. It is the only one to live in a dry arid place and can live for months without a lot of water. Native to areas of Portugal and Spain, it is found on dry alkaline hills in a Mediterranean climate. From a distance these plants resemble pines, but a closer inspection will reveal that each leaf is covered in little red glands that have a dew-like substance clinging to them. The dew smells a great deal like bee honey and will lure many insects. When the insect lands, it finds itself caught in an oily drop and it will struggle to escape. The struggle only helps to pull the liquid free from the gland and as the entrapped insect slides down the leaf, it collects more of the viscous fluid. After that, it drowns and is digested at the base of the plant. If there was ever an unlikely carnivorous plant, the Dewy Pine is it.