Book Joy

I’m feeling terribly achy but somewhat hyper. Weird combination. But it does permit lots of productivity. All the laundry is done—I mean absolutely done. Nothing lurking in any hampers anywhere. Wait, R might have brought home some dirty gym clothes, but other than that, all of the laundry is done. Okay, I have one basket of stuff to iron.

The living room and office are a little cluttered because I’m still in the midst of moving one more bookcase upstairs. However, as soon as it is in place, I can finish putting all of the non-fiction books on it and in order. Katie and I got all of the fiction and gaming books in order downstairs earlier. We’re even getting the magazines we save (stuff like National Geographic and MZB’s Fantasy) out on shelves in order now! I’ve NEVER been able to access the magazines like that, and it has been many a year since the books were all neat and ordered on shelves. None in boxes. Not one!

sambear seems a little stunned by, “Yes. The books are in order. Fiction is alphabetical by author, non-fiction is arranged by subject.” I figure there probably hasn’t ever been a time when in his life (certainly not his adult life) when his books were actually set out like this. He worked in a library at one time, so he’ll get used to it. Might even like it. I think he secretly likes being able to immediately put his hands on a desired CD due to the alphabetized CD rack, but he hasn’t admitted it yet. The software is still a little disorganized, but I’m getting there. I keep organizing that stuff, but I’ve yet to convince anyone else that putting a CD back in its case and in its designated place after use is a reasonable, even desirable, thing. If we actually manage to find enough shelf space for that, it will be good.

We still need to weed out the books a bit, although I tried to do that as we put them on the shelves. Blending lives means that we have more than one copy of quite a few books. Now with some books, yes, we need multiple copies, because we tend to loan them out and they don’t always come home. But with most, one copy is plenty. And I have a mess of homeschooling stuff that we aren’t using anymore.

All of the games and puzzles have been neatly put away in cabinets, too. And the big tub of toddler-safe toys has been dumped out, cleaned up, and put away neatly.

So now I just need to wait for Sam to get home to help with the bookcase. Yes, I could carry it upstairs—I’ve done so before with an identical bookcase. But he gets really angry when I do things like that by myself. So I’m trying to be patient. Trying REALLY HARD.

Current Mood: 🙂happy
Cyn is Rick's wife, Katie's Mom, and Esther & Oliver's Mémé. She's also a professional geek, avid reader, fledgling coder, enthusiastic gamer (TTRPGs), occasional singer, and devoted stitcher.
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