I have to wonder if I’m getting hypoglycemic or something. I’m really bad about forgetting to eat, and have had two horrible headaches in the last few days due to going too long (but not an unusual amount of time for me) between meals. And this morning I felt so much better after eating, even though I wasn’t aware that I wasn’t feeling so well before eating, that it makes me go “hmmm.”
Having Jackson here was tiring, but with every day it got easier as we settled into a routine. With the actual proper equipment and child-proofing, it wouldn’t have been difficult at all.
Funny thing is, I’ve been almost completely non-productive today. I have caught up on reading the news and other stuff I’d been skipping, but I haven’t gotten much done. By this time yesterday, I’d cleaned the kitchen, stripped two beds, done five loads of laundry, and unloaded, reloaded, run, and unloaded the dishwasher again. I haven’t even been down to the laundry room today. I need to hit the kitchen again, do more laundry, and finish getting books on the shelves that are in place. The laundry room needs to be wiped down and the kitchen needs to be swept and mopped again. Having Jackson around kept me from sitting and zoning out at the PC, so I got a lot more done.
Physically, I’m also feeling like I’ve been beaten, although I did sleep well last night. We changed the mattress and it’s much firmer, but maybe I’ll get used to it. sambear certainly slept much better than he has been.
I need to make a trip to the library, too. But I don’t want to leave the house. I’m feeling cocoonish.