crimsonblossom—thank you. You didn’t have to do that. The card and the present are much appreciated 🙂
I’m thankful for:
1) Aforementioned pressie and the sweet lady who sent it 🙂
2) Friends who are really into Halloween who invite shadowkatt over to join them for their celebration 🙂 She gets the full experience and I’m not feeling guilty for not having the energy to do the whole decorating, pumpkin-carving, costume-making, and trick-or-treating
3) My sweet man who goes out and deals with the world so that I don’t have to do so as often—and brings marvelous people into my life through his extroversion
4) My comfy nest in the corner of our bedroom where I can sit and rest and read
5) Suisse Mocha
6) An incredible advisor who continues to badger the financial aid department for answers on my behalf
7) Understanding professors
8) Knowing myself well enough to distinguish between someone else’s agenda and my problems
9) Being able to read and vicariously enjoy things like waya‘s description of reactions to her fairy gothmother costume
10) My PDA that acts as a memory for me to shore up my crappy one