Dear Gods. Sam got this thing that’s allowing him to broadcast to all the radios in the house from his PC, and he’s absolutely dangerous. I love the man, but he’s very, very silly!
The Geek Who Understands You
Dear Gods. Sam got this thing that’s allowing him to broadcast to all the radios in the house from his PC, and he’s absolutely dangerous. I love the man, but he’s very, very silly!
Everywhere we go, I keep seeing baby things and thinking of ga_sunshine‘s Little Cherub! I have glitter crayons, regular crayons (a fresh box of 100), and this neato “easy select” box of 64 colored pencils so they’re all in four…
I think this request was too buried before. I need a new hair goddess (or god). I’m in Kennesaw and want someone who isn’t too far away and with whom I can say, “do something that isn’t high-maintenance and looks…
The Samba server lives! And it serves both printers, and I made a PDF server so that anyone on our LAN can create PDFs. Legally, even. For free. Now I wanna set up a fax server—not that we need to…
docrailgun, devichan and Peek are on their way home now. They are absolutely amazing guests.
Happy Birthday lunamoonsong!
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