I looked back at my recent entries and realized that it’s been a really long time since I posted much of anything substantive. I’m coming out of a long period of being nearly zombified thanks to one of my medications.…
The Geek Who Understands You
I looked back at my recent entries and realized that it’s been a really long time since I posted much of anything substantive. I’m coming out of a long period of being nearly zombified thanks to one of my medications.…
We watched more Torchwood tonight. I love it! But I must find a way to get season 2, episode 2. It’s driving me crazy. There is, however, hope! I just read that the BBC (the real one, not BBC America)…
We had a very nice weekend, fairly quiet for me (as usual). Katie went out with her beau Friday night, and Sam and I finally got to see the first season 2 Torchwood episode, “Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang.” It was…
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