TV Commercials?

Plinky asked, "Commercials these days: Mostly entertaining, or mostly annoying?" How would I know? Seriously, who watches commercials? Most of what I watch is online, and I don’t pay attention to the ads or they’ve been edited out. If I’m…

Dollhouse Fans? TV stuff

Do any of you record Dollhouse? We don’t do cable, so Katie and I have been watching it streaming on Hulu. This coming Friday’s episode isn’t going to be streamed, though, and we don’t want to miss it. Any chance…

Crime TV

I’ve been on a video spree over the last month or so, getting caught up with all three C.S.I. shows. We also finished watching season 2 of Torchwood and realized that some of it wouldn’t make sense unless we get…

New Secret Pleasure

Dexter. Katie borrowed the first season DVDs from her boyfriend and we started watching them today. Now I don’t want to stop. You have to have a fairly morbid sense of humor to appreciate them. I was afraid they’d be…

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