ciannait linked to Handknit Heroes yesterday. Imagine you’re a teenager, and you have some special powers. Maybe even superpowers. And one day, at a sleepover, your best friend in the whole world tells you you’re not alone. So begins the…
The Geek Who Understands You
ciannait linked to Handknit Heroes yesterday. Imagine you’re a teenager, and you have some special powers. Maybe even superpowers. And one day, at a sleepover, your best friend in the whole world tells you you’re not alone. So begins the…
This is truly cool. It’s a limited edition, hand-printed “knitting tarot” deck. I learned about it via new LJ friend . They aren’t releasing many images, apparently, unless you’re a friend of theirs on Flickr. What I can see looks…
This weekend’s Stitching Bloggers Question: Are there other crafts that you have tried and abandoned? Why do you like stitching better? Short version: Because it’s one of the few visually-beautiful things I’ve ever been good at.
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