I lost track of who originally linked to what, so I can’t credit them properly. But thank you to whoever they all were, anyway! Filed under “another reason I’m proud to be a homeschooler”: California court rules that private school…
The Geek Who Understands You
I lost track of who originally linked to what, so I can’t credit them properly. But thank you to whoever they all were, anyway! Filed under “another reason I’m proud to be a homeschooler”: California court rules that private school…
From Gay Unions Shed Light on Gender in Marriage A growing body of evidence shows that same-sex couples have a great deal to teach everyone else about marriage and relationships. Most studies show surprisingly few differences between committed gay couples…
Back when the Meisha Merlin warehouse was being cleaned out, Sam picked up a copy of The Sword and the Dragon, first volume of the Epic Tales of the Five by Diane Duane that MM put out. It contains The…
Day of Silence : April 25, 2008
Elizabeth Bear succeeds where David Brin failed in Glory Season. What would a woman-dominated human society look like? How would it come about? Why? What, if any, role would males play? How would that society interact with more “traditional,” male-dominated…
I’m all infatuated with yet another author, my friends, so I must warn you that you’ll be reading much more about Elizabeth Bear here in coming weeks. New Amsterdam is an anthology of connected stories twined around two main characters.…
I had an entry almost completely written, and it was good. Then I hit something badly with my numb hand, and my browser backed up a page. Now the entry is all gone. Yes, I should have saved some time…
Researchers find it shocking that 11 percent of American girls between 15 and 19 claim to have same-sex encounters. Clearly they’ve never observed the social rituals of the pansexual, bi-queer, metroflexible New York teen. Ten years ago in the halls…
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