It has been such a lazy day. All our body clocks are completely confused. It’s going to be so hard on Sam to get up Monday morning! These days have been sweet and uncomplicated. I just had a delightful candlelit…
The Geek Who Understands You
It has been such a lazy day. All our body clocks are completely confused. It’s going to be so hard on Sam to get up Monday morning! These days have been sweet and uncomplicated. I just had a delightful candlelit…
I haven’t given up on this blog, either. Or even the long-missing podcast! I don’t know why I haven’t posted in so long, honestly. I’ve been in a very quiet time, but it’s time to leave the shell. I have…
I can’t remember the last time I even considered seeking news anywhere but online. Whether it’s what’s going on around Atlanta, the nation, or the world, or just a weather update, I look there first if at all possible. Since…
The video I dedicated to Katie isn’t actually called Wake Up Cat, and it has been pulled from YouTube (or it was—it seems to be back, now). The piece is by animator Simon Tofield of Tandem Films, and is properly…
Utter insanity. All of it. My fall classes just started. I’m in a flare (when am I not? but seriously, I am). But hey! I hate my birthday, and three insane new things for the month should, at least, be…
Originally published at Enemy of Entropy. Please leave any comments there. Utter insanity. All of it. My fall classes just started. I’m in a flare (when am I not? but seriously, I am). But hey! I hate my birthday, and…
Originally published at Enemy of Entropy. Please leave any comments there. Please forgive me! I’m investigating what happened, and do not expect a repeat of the incident. I’ve been using Twitter Tools, a WordPress plug-in from Alex King (a highly…
Live+Press works, but it gives me lots of messy error messages. I don’t like error messages, even if the post does eventually go where it’s supposed to go. Oddly, it works just fine on Katie’s site. We’re using the same…
Originally published at Enemy of Entropy. You can comment here or there. I’ve been uploading some of the photographs I have scattered all over my hard drive, most of them of Katie. Somehow, I outdid my Flickr upload limit for…
My paid LJ account is about to expire, and I’m not feeling any anxiety about it. There are far more important things to pay for. Yeah, I’ll miss the extra icons and the simple URL, but I’ve been trying to…
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