The Parable of the Shower by Leah Bobet is an absolutely hilarious short story. The angel of the LORD cometh upon you in the shower at the worst possible moment: one hand placed upon thy right buttock and the other…
The Geek Who Understands You
The Parable of the Shower by Leah Bobet is an absolutely hilarious short story. The angel of the LORD cometh upon you in the shower at the worst possible moment: one hand placed upon thy right buttock and the other…
ETA: This otherwise cryptic post was a response to a Plinky prompt that asked what book I’d take if I were called to jury duty today. I can’t imagine why their “share with blog” function doesn’t include the prompt! I…
Skin Trade by Laurell K. Hamilton My review rating: 3 of 5 starsI kept saying I was giving up on Hamilton’s books, then giving her just one more chance as each novel came out, hoping that at some point she’d…
Mean Streets by Jim Butcher My review rating: 4 of 5 starsMean Streets is one of the best anthologies I’ve read in a while. It only has four different pieces in it, but they’re all novellas, and all by strong,…
Blood from Stone by Laura Anne Gilman My review rating: 5 of 5 starsIt feels like a spoiler, but since Gilman says this at the front of the book, I suppose it isn’t: Blood From Stone is the last Retrievers…
Do any of you record Dollhouse? We don’t do cable, so Katie and I have been watching it streaming on Hulu. This coming Friday’s episode isn’t going to be streamed, though, and we don’t want to miss it. Any chance…
I used to get so annoyed when my mother would say, “Twenty years from now, nobody will know the difference.” She was wrong in a sense—I certainly still know the difference, about so very many things. On the other hand,…
Suite 606 by J.D. Robb My review rating: 1 of 5 starsI only read the story by J.D. Robb. I glanced at the other three, but they’re primarily romance stories, which do NOT interest me. The whole point of these…
Um, I’m wanting something to read, and the libraries are being very slow about fulfilling my hold requests, so I’m looking for old stuff that’s good and probably on the library shelf just waiting to be loved. I think I…
I had a pain doctor appointment last week but wasn’t up to going. So Sam rescheduled it for me, and I headed across town today. Apparently, this was the day for “fitting in” everybody who has canceled an appointment in…
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