Affluenza: The affliction of being too focused on buying material things, working too much (and still not having enough money) and stressing out about all of it. From As in “My family of origin suffers from affluenza.”
The Geek Who Understands You
Affluenza: The affliction of being too focused on buying material things, working too much (and still not having enough money) and stressing out about all of it. From As in “My family of origin suffers from affluenza.”
On the 20 questions meme, I couldn’t think of any real answer to #2 ’til allessindra‘s answer jogged my memory. I learned to play the ukulele in the second grade. The whole class did, and we even had a concert.…
I was searching for a version of Sweet Honey in the Rock’s recording of “On Children” for a friend, and came across this site:—Ceremonies for Jewish Living I find it very interesting, despite not being Jewish. There is far…
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