Photos Again
So—which of the full set of pictures did YOU like the best? Current Mood: 😕curious
Nanny Question
Wow—something I’ve never had to consider before. If someone has a nanny and specifically tells you “Our nanny is (name)” when you’re trying to get names for addressing holiday cards, do you put her name on there too? I mean,…
What Element Are You? Quiz
sambear occasionally brings me nail polish or lipstick or something like that. This week, it’s lip gloss. One is a Bonne Bell Dr. Pepper Lipsmacker. The other is Bonne Bell Flip Gloss Shimmers, Cherry Zinger flavor. shadowkatt was so fascinated…
Birthday Girl
Happy Birthday mousegrrl!
Unhappy Day
Current Mood: 🤒nauseated
What Herb Are You?
Good Stuff
Today’s mail contained some good but very different stuff. Goodness is love in action, love with its hand to the plow. -James Hamilton I found lots of goodness this morning in the comments following the picture post last night—thank you…