And is this thing on? If anybody is reading, I’m stunned. Anyway, I’m here. And, um, I’ll try to be better about reading here. I’ve just been even more of a hermit than usual for a while now. I think…
The Geek Who Understands You
And is this thing on? If anybody is reading, I’m stunned. Anyway, I’m here. And, um, I’ll try to be better about reading here. I’ve just been even more of a hermit than usual for a while now. I think…
This was the Monday-est Monday I’ve had in a while. Generally, the only reason any one day of the week differs from another, for me, is in whether or not Sam is at home. Today was different because I had…
ARRRRGHHH! I wrote this long thing about being a poly introvert using the LJ web interface. And the browser decided it couldn’t find the server (a common error every evening, as I’m learning), and then it was just—gone. Gone gone…
Okay, more specifically, making music. As in, why I’m not doing it more often. I don’t mean stuff like the Girl Scout meeting. And singing along with the stereo does not, in fact, count, nor does singing in the shower…
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