I finally got the grades from the first technical writing assignment I turned in last week, and the peer reviews I did on two of my classmates’ rough drafts. I got full points for all of them! I was worried…
The Geek Who Understands You
I finally got the grades from the first technical writing assignment I turned in last week, and the peer reviews I did on two of my classmates’ rough drafts. I got full points for all of them! I was worried…
A week into the Spring semester, I finally got my Winter semester grades: 99.7 in the career class, 97.6 in the project management class. I should still have a 4.0, then. I’ve got to get my and Katie’s FAFSAs done.…
We got Katie’s report card in, and she did in fact get all As! She’s well into the next semester now. Because everybody else was registered for this year last spring, the advanced physics course was full and she’s in…
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