I always look forward to Dr. Marty Klein’s Sexual Intelligence newsletters, so I was tickled to see one in my inbox today. But one of the headlines took me by surprise: End Rape & Incest Exceptions to Stupak Abortion Ban.…
The Geek Who Understands You
I always look forward to Dr. Marty Klein’s Sexual Intelligence newsletters, so I was tickled to see one in my inbox today. But one of the headlines took me by surprise: End Rape & Incest Exceptions to Stupak Abortion Ban.…
I detest ignorant bigots. And I absolutely consider the following hate speech. From http://glenysluckymama.blogspot.com/2008/06/fibromyalgia-and-abortion-possible-link.html: So like an HPV diagnosis in someone would almost guarantee that others would know the person’s potential morals or lack thereof, and HIV almost always denotes…
If you have fibromyalgia, or care about anyone who does, please read and respond.
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