I’ll record episode 3 as soon as my sound tech (aka Sam, my partner) is available. Right now, though, I’m in the mood to plump up my blogroll. Suggest other blogs and podcasts about fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, or chronic illness,…
The Geek Who Understands You
I’ll record episode 3 as soon as my sound tech (aka Sam, my partner) is available. Right now, though, I’m in the mood to plump up my blogroll. Suggest other blogs and podcasts about fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, or chronic illness,…
I must apologize for my absence here and the lack of a podcast last week! I’ve just gotten home from a brief hospital stay, and I didn’t have internet access there. I have plenty of material to cover, although it…
I’m back home from a couple of days in the hospital, with a new diagnosis and all that entails, plus related fibro flare. Nobody likes hospitals, and people with fibromyalgia deal with it even more poorly than others. I could…
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